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 Politics Archive 2015

Valerie Jarrett says she isn't the leaker in the Hillary Clinton email scandal
by Nathan'ette Burdine: March 17, 2015

Senior White House Adviser Valerie Jarrett told Mika Brzezinski of MSNBC “Morning Joe” that she isn’t the leaker in the Hillary Clinton email scandal.

“No Mika I did not. As you know, it’s preposterous,” said Jarrett. Jarrett’s response comes after the New York Post posted an article by Edward Klein alleging that Jarrett leaked to the press that Clinton kept her State Department emails on her private server.

Klein cited an unnamed source who said that Jarrett sees the emails as payback for Bill and Hillary Clinton’s role in convincing Democratic lawmakers to shun President Obama during the 2014 Mid-Term elections.

According to Klein, one of former President Bill Clinton’s friends quoted Clinton as saying, “The Obamas are behind the email story…The Obamas are out to get us any way they can.”

Hillary Clinton has said that she followed “the spirit of the law” and that she did nothing wrong by keeping her State Department emails on her private server.

Brzezinski asked Jarrett if she believed that Clinton violated the government’s policy. Jarrett responded that President Obama is pleased that Clinton has released her work related emails to the State Department.

“As the president said last week, he really prides himself on having an administration that’s transparent and he was glad to see that she’s turning over her emails to the State Department. So yes, that’s very important,”said Jarrett.

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